4/9/13 Meeting Agenda & Notes
MEMSET Meeting Agenda & NotesApril 9, 2013 Chestnut Hill
Scratch Project Sharing -
Lego WeDo and Scratch Projects
A number of people would like to share Scratch projects - some utilizing the Lego WeDo motors. Scratch version 2.0 is now in Beta so let’s see what people are doing and discuss what projects are being planned.
Chestnut Hill Electronics Club - meets weekly, elementary students learn soldering and basic electronics.
Professional Development Approaches -
Demo of Zendesk and Google+ TeCHS
How do we keep up with training needs?
Methods mentioned included unconference style sessions, iPad speed dating tables (where faculty move between stations), content specific workshops, and old-fashioned 1:1 integrationist work.
What is being planned for this summer?
Conferences and Workshops mentioned included EdCamps, ISTE, EdTechTeacher (especially iPad Summit) and others
Apps & Tools mentioned:
- Zendesk
- MailChimp
- FactMonster
- FaceTalker (link?)
- BookCreator
- Soctrative
- Drawing Pad
- Pinnacle Studio
- DemiBooks
- Meez.com and other avatar tools
- Got Tech - Now What?
Next Meeting?
Fessenden has agreed to host the next meeting before the end of the school year. Date and time will be announced soon.